State Hill Boat Ramp. Crud on the left, Spence on the right, George hiding.
By 10 AM we were dropping Uncle Crud and Spence off at the State Hill Boat Ramp. They were going to ride from there and head counterclockwise to the Church Road parking lot. This would reverse the shorter route from last year (which ran from Church Road to the Visitor Center) as well as add 3 easy miles, making their total distance about 11 miles. They took off at about 10:15.
After dropping them off, George and I drove to Church Road. By the time we drove over and got ready, it was 10:45 AM. Our plan was to ride the entire 23 mile loop, ending up where we started at Church Road. I was hoping to catch up to Crud and Spence, but hmmm... we got twice the miles or more and are starting a half hour behind? Right...
George was riding a nice Gary Fisher Cake 1. Sweet 26" XC bike with plenty of carbon fiber, right from the factory. And it has a funky, pricey XTR derailleur which we had to fiddle with the night before. George had some brand new Bontrager ACX tires as well. Both he and I have been thru other tires and we still list the ACXs as our favorite all-around tires.
For this year's tour I'm riding my new (to me) rigid. 29" wheels and carbon fiber in the fork, stem, and bar all help to smooth the ride, but the 40 psi in the tires don't. I could've dropped the pressure but the trail is dry and fast... no desire to slow myself down with fewer psi.

Spence took some pictures of his ride with Uncle Crud, so thank you Spence for the pictures above and below. Crud got a lot of video of his ride... using a handheld cam! Crud's video is priceless... maybe I can get it on here someday, or at least a link. My favorite scene from Crud's Vid: picture a bouncy descent, screeching brakes, a lot of "whoa - whoa - WHOA!" and then green leaves fill the screen. Crud says, in a matter-of-fact tone: "I'm down."

Crud and Spence got back to Church Road about an hour ahead of me. We never did catch them... maybe next year we'll go opposite directions so we're sure to meet up during the ride!
On the way home, a stop at Rita's was mandated. Wow... a large mango/vanilla gelati never tasted so good!